
Can You Afford Dental Implants? 4 Things That Influence the Cost

Dental implants are widely recognized as a superior tooth replacement option when compared to other available tooth replacements, like dentures or bridges. However, many patients don't seriously consider implants because they believe the cost will be too high. What's the real deal behind dental implant costs? Take a look at what you need to know about the cost of dental implants and what influences that cost. How Many Implants Do You Need?

4 Things You Can Do For Your New Dental Implants

When getting dental implants, your dental provider will make sure you're well taken care of while at their office. They'll also provide you with aftercare instructions, which ought to be followed in order to minimize recovery time. In addition to the instructions provided by your dentist, there are also some other things that you can do. If you're getting dental implants soon, follow these tips to help ensure your new implants work well.

Oral Health Problems That Are Reduced By Investing In A Timely Dental Cleaning

You have likely heard that you need a dental cleaning about twice a year. This is necessary to remove all of the dental plaque and tartar from your mouth. While you may understand the basics of why this is important, you may not know about the more widespread oral health risks that are reduced by investing in a cleaning. Keep reading to learn about a few. Tooth Loss If you seek care from your dentist, then it is unlikely that you will suffer from tooth loss unless you have some sort of accident or incident that damages or knocks out a tooth.

Obstructive Sleep Apnea: How Can Your Dentist Tell You Have It?

Obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) develops when the tissues at the back of your throat relax too much. The tissues block your airways, which forces you to breathe through your mouth instead of your nose. Although obstructive sleep apnea is fairly common, not many people know that they have it. If you have sleep apnea, a dentist may be one of the first people to detect signs of it. Here's how a dentist can tell if you have obstructive sleep apnea.

Teeth Removal Aftercare: 3 Tips To Relieve Pain From Dry Sockets

After you've gotten a tooth extracted from your mouth, you'll need to take special care of the wounded area in order to prevent dry sockets. The pain from dry sockets typically emerge 2 to 4 days after the tooth is extracted, and the phenomenon has an occurrence rate of approximately 2% among all tooth extractions. Basically, your jawbone becomes inflamed from either a partial or total loss of the blood clot that usually sits within the tooth socket after an extraction.